Volunteer Project in Argentina
This home is located in Buenos Aires and takes care of 30 to 60 boys after school time. The exact number of children depends on the time of year. On Saturdays and during the summer, older children come to this home. Their ages vary from 6 to around 14 years old.
For the babies and the small kids the volunteers can help taking care of the children, feed them, change them, sing with them, put them to sleep etc. With the older children, volunteers do recreational activities as well: sports, games, painting, music, board games, etc.
If you would like to participate in this volunteer project, it is essential to have atience and sensibility in working with people living in poverty.
4 weeks.
Work Schedule:
Monday to Friday from 10am-4pm.
High beginner. It is recommended to take a Spanish course before starting your volunteer work.
4 volunteers at a time.