Volunteer Work at a Clinic for Disabled Children

Thursday October 31, 2013 - Posted by to Volunteer Reports
Volunteer work at Clinic

In January/February 2011 I worked at a clinic for mentally and physical disabled children. In my first weeks I took care of the patients (which I now call friends) by brushing their teeth, changing their clothes, entertaining or feeding them. As most of them suffer from severe handicaps I was really unsure if I was going to handle my work well. After my first day of work I realized that I really did not have any “problems” working with the kids; I did not even see their disabilities any longer. We really had the same goal: being happy and laughing as much as we could. Their joy struck me and opened my eyes and attitude towards certain issues.

After that I worked in the “Terapia de Lenguaje” (Language Therapy) where I learned more about the children and their disabilities. This work was, somehow, more scientific and focused on medicine. I was not only allowed to observe but also to help easing the children’s problems concerning their speaking abilities. Together with Cinthia (the doctor in charge) I massaged our patient’s facial muscles, played with them and trained their motor and mental skills in an entertaining way. Here we also had external patients who sometimes were of older age. Next to the practical work I enjoyed still being able to be close with my friends from the “hospitalización” where I worked the weeks before.

Volunteer Work at a Clinic

I can only recommend the work here when you want to help the people who really are happy about each and every second you give them. It is a great thing to do and easy to adapt yourself to when you are willing to contribute and are open towards new and unfamiliar experiences.

31 Oct

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