Volunteer Experience in Cusco (Peru)

Monday November 04, 2013 - Posted by to Volunteer Southamerica
Volunteer in Cusco Peru

Within the city of Cusco an orphanage for girls was founded 50 years ago, back in 1963!

This orphanage still provides a safe place for girls from broken families, whose parents have either died, or abandoned them, at least in most of the cases. Some girls have also been sexually abused. At this moment, in november 2013, the building houses 42 girls, between 5-15 years old and is happy with the helping hands of volunteers.

One of them is Molly Stark; she started her volunteer experience here a couple of weeks ago! She’s living in the city center of Cusco, in a student residence for volunteers and Spanish students and she travels daily with the local bus about 30 minutes through the scenic city of Cusco to make it to the orphanage, where she will be playing and helping the girls with their homework for several hours. Some need help with their English home work; others, the smaller ones, are still struggling with the alphabet.

Volunteer in Peru

One of things that surprised me most”, remembers Molly, “is that the kids really love to be creative, and they are really fond of art related activities. They love to paint. The other day i brought some colored pencils and paper and there was really a special light in their eyes when i showed it to them!

The orphanage has a small playground that needs some repairing and repainting. It was donated a couple of years ago by a couple of volunteers from the local Spanish School in Cusco. There is also a green house and a chicken coop. Most girls sleep at bunk beds and they all share one bathroom. All have a locker next to their beds where they can keep a few small and personal things.

Volunteer in Cusco

Upon arrival, we were inmediately greeted by one of the young girls, who wrapped her arms around Molly. Molly says she has learnt a lot from the girls at the orphanage and the living in Peru experience has also been enriching. The language barrier though can be difficult sometimes. “It is really important you speak a bit of Spanish”.

However, the barrier never stopped Molly from helping and connecting with the children. “This place is like a bit family where everyone learsn from each other; the older children help the younger with many tasks” explains Molly.

Volunteer Work in Latinamerica


  1. Are you looking for a Volunteer Program in Peru?
    Many volunteers are needed, both individual and groups (for construction activities mainly).
  2. Don’t forget to do some travelling in Cusco area as well as it is beatiful: here’s a small overview of tours in Cusco and Peru.
  3. Interested in some Spanish classes via Skype before arrival to Cusco.

AMAUTA Spanish School in Cusco offers those with Peruvian teachers for special rates if you mention you will be a volunteer in Peru!

04 Nov

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