How to prepare for volunteer work in Latin America

Friday October 04, 2013 - Posted by to Volunteer Southamerica
Volunteer Work in Latin America

If you have decided to look further into options to do Volunteer Work in Latin America, this is a great opportunity to give back to the local Latinamerican societies where you are travelling.

It’s important, however, you realize it does require a bit of preparation and, once you are there, a bit of effort  and dedication to make the most our of your volunteer experience.

We have prepared a few important tips to prepare for Volunteer Work in Latin America  for you that might help you.

  • Be realistic about what you can achieve. You won’t be able to move the world. But many different volunteers at different projects and in  countries, are able to make a difference. You’re attitude is extremely important.

  • Carolina Bustos - Nicaragua

  • Be eager to learn.  Things might be done differently in South America but it might be interesting to learn, even when you think your own way is quicker, or  simply better. Also, work will vary daily and might even include things you’ve never done before.  Back home, you will never forget the new things you’ve learnt and those will be an important part of your experience and memories.

  • Why Volunteer?  If at any moment things are getting hard and you might get confused and feel a bit down, it is important to remember your reasons for volunteering in South America. This will help you to feel better again.

  • Be flexible and open-minded. This sounds easy but we all now tha, when the moment is there, it’s not that easy at all. Things are really a bit different in Latin America. Many things happen a lot slower – if they happen at all – and social relations are different and people do not always say what they think. Social situations are very different from yours at home, it’s important you try to understand.
  • Volunteer Work in Latinamerica

  • Prepare your self by talking to past volunteers, read testimonials on the internet and make sure you organize your placement trough an experienced organization with local staff. We also recommend you read about the country and the city where you will be going.

  • Invest some time in working on the relationships with the people close to you, either project leaders, local people or fellow volunteers.  The social part of the volunteer work and ‘making new friends’ is an important aspect and if you feel good with the people around you, that will have a positive impact on your work!

  • Make sure you  have enough time for yourself, for relaxing , enjoying and traveling, either before, during, or after the volunteer work. You will surely meet other travelers and learn about the great things to be seen in the country of your choice and for sure you will want to travel there.  If you plan enough time for travelling, you do not have to abandon your volunteer work before the original enddate agreed upon and dissapoint the local organization.
  • Volunteer Work in Latinamerica

  • Learn and speak Spanish.  On one hand this sounds so logical, on the other hand, many people ‘forget’about it! People in Latin America speak Spanish (next to local languages and Portuguese (in  Brazil) and if you want to communicate it’s important you speak (some) Spanish.   It will also help you to understand the culture and to feel at easy soon with the people around you and in the country. We recommend you start studying Spanish back home and start your volunteer placement with a few weeks of intensive Spanish immersion classes, if this is possible.
04 Oct

One thought on “How to prepare for volunteer work in Latin America

  1. Susan Monday October 07, 2013 at 5:21 pm

    I have been volunteering all around the world and I can just agree with what is written here. If you prepare well for your abroad experience then you’ll get the most out of it!


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