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Becoming a volunteer in South America is an exciting and rewarding experience that will change your life. Prepare before you travel by researching each of the Latin American countries that you are interested in doing volunteer work in. Some specialize in certain types of volunteer jobs more so than others so it is important to be informed.

Volunteer work in Medellin Colombia

Tuesday November 19, 2013 - Posted by
Volunteer Work in Medellin Colombia

Medellin: the most innovative city in the world

Medellin is the second biggest city in Colombia and back in the 90’s it used to have the reputation as the most violent city in the world, due to the activity of the drug cartel of Pablo Escobar. But now things are different and Medellin has been named now ‘the most innovative city in the world’, due to the dramatic transformations in modern history, the political environment and a network of public parks, transportation, schools, libraries and museums. Now Medellin is a lovely place to visit. It is safe, bright, full of amazingly friendly people and cosmopolitan as cities as Santiago, or Buenos Aires.

However, despite the progress and as in any other big Latin American city, there are still many children affected by addiction, poverty, or violence.


19 Nov

Experiencia de Voluntariado en Cusco (Perú)

Monday November 04, 2013 - Posted by
Volunteer in Cusco Peru

Dentro de la ciudad del Cusco, un orfanato para niñas fue fundado hace 50 años, en 1963. Este orfanato, ofrece un lugar seguro para las niñas de familias desestructuradas, cuyos padres, o bien han muerto, o los abandonaron , al menos en la mayoría de los casos. Algunas niñas también han sido víctimas de abuso sexual. En este momento, noviembre 2013, el edificio alberga 42 niñas, entre 5 a 15 años de edad y ellas son felices gracias a la ayuda de los voluntarios.

Uno de ellos es Molly Stark, comenzó su experiencia como voluntaria aquí hace un par de semanas. Ella vive en el centro de la ciudad de Cusco, en una residencia de estudiantes voluntarios y estudiantes españoles, viaja todos los días en el autobús local a unos 30 minutos a través de la pintoresca ciudad de Cusco para llegar al orfanato. Donde se la pasa jugando y ayudando a la niñas con sus tareas durante varias horas. Algunas necesitan ayuda con sus tareas de Inglés, otra, las más pequeñas, siguen luchando por aprender el alfabeto .


04 Nov

Volunteer Experience in Cusco (Peru)

Monday November 04, 2013 - Posted by
Volunteer in Cusco Peru

Within the city of Cusco an orphanage for girls was founded 50 years ago, back in 1963!

This orphanage still provides a safe place for girls from broken families, whose parents have either died, or abandoned them, at least in most of the cases. Some girls have also been sexually abused. At this moment, in november 2013, the building houses 42 girls, between 5-15 years old and is happy with the helping hands of volunteers.

One of them is Molly Stark; she started her volunteer experience here a couple of weeks ago! She’s living in the city center of Cusco, in a student residence for volunteers and Spanish students and she travels daily with the local bus about 30 minutes through the scenic city of Cusco to make it to the orphanage, where she will be playing and helping the girls with their homework for several hours. Some need help with their English home work; others, the smaller ones, are still struggling with the alphabet.


04 Nov
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